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Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun Season 2
Episode 12

by Rebecca Silverman,

How would you rate episode 12 of
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun (TV 2) ?
Community score: 4.3

What's more surprising than Kalego having a friend? Kalego having someone who out-and-out scares him. Not annoys him, not surprises him, scares him. And that that person turns out to be his old senpai Opera? Somehow that makes it even better.

This was almost guaranteed to be a good episode no matter what, simply because of its premise: Kalego has to go on home visits to all of the Misfit Class' houses. While some, like Asmodeus' or Allocer's, are likely to be pretty normal (for a given value thereof), others are assuredly not, whether because he's challenged to a sword fight, forced to admire lots of cute pink things, or because the house belongs to the Clara family. Yes, Clara's home is absolutely in a category all its own, and it goes about as well as poor Kalego was expecting. Though even he may not have realized that he was going to be treated to a musical number with almost the entire family expecting him to teach them because he's Clara's teacher, Mom included.

If there's any character in this show less suited to be swept up in a musical number, we sure haven't met them yet. Having Kalego be subjected to the Clara clan's song and dance routine is like lifting Guts out of Berserk and dropping him into an episode of Sesame Street: completely outside the realm of what he knows and is comfortable with. Kalego does turn out to be surprisingly good at his job – his visits show that he really does pay attention to each student and knows them all quite well. As such, he manages to restrain himself from unleashing hell upon the members of Clara's family…if only just. He's saved by the eldest brother (but still younger than our Clara) urara, the lone sane member of the clan. Hearing Mrs. Clara just explain him away as “one like him shows up every so often” is pretty funny in its own right, especially since she uses the same tone of voice my mother uses to explain my youngest sister's green eyes.

But the real treat comes when a highly reluctant Kalego turns up on the doorstep of the most doting grandfather in the demon realm and, as we learn, that his One True Nemesis dwells within: Opera. Apparently getting Kalego to the house was the boon Opera asked of Sullivan back when they were helping him to look like Super Gramps, because Opera apparently has a sadistic side they've kept decently well hidden. Back in school, Opera was a total thug who would eat lunch on the piled-up bodies of their challengers…and from behind, they looked an awful lot like a young Kalego. (Either Opera dyes their hair, or it turned red as they aged. They're not human; it could happen.) Kalego has never forgiven them for his early bad reputation when he took the blame for Opera's actions, but more than that, he's afraid of Opera. We're not fully aware of why, but it looks like Opera may have taken a liking to Kalego…and since they're incredibly comfortable with Sullivan's methods of (grand)parenting and other excesses, I would hazard a guess that being the object of Opera's attentions was not a comfortable time. That goes double for anyone as uptight as Kalego.

It is interesting to note that Kalego was a lot like Azz-Azz before he met Iruma. He was snooty, sure of himself, and definitely didn't enjoy mingling with the crowd. In fact, he was very much as he is today, just without the authority he presently commands. Balam (who was adorable as a teen) was still his only friend, and had Asmodeus not met Iruma, he could easily have become Kalego 2.0. I think we can all agree that he's better as he is now, because old Asmodeus would never have helped to surprise Iruma with a trip to an amusement park with the rest of the class. Now all that's left is to see if Purson was also invited – and since Kalego did go to his house, I think Where's Purson? will be a game we can all play in episode thirteen.


Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun Season 2 is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

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